Improve terms of businessmen and scientists activity in Lithuania and abroad
Help engineering industry enterprises to become leaders of Lithuanian economy
Compile and convey information about the potential of sectorial businessmen and scientists
Help sectorial enterprises to manufacture and export high added value products, services and solutions
Create circumstances for improving worker qualification and management abilities
Provide members complex services: representation, mediation, networking organizing, help in getting financial aid, technological education, knowledge management and worker education
Improve engineering industry business environment:
- We organise, evaluate and propose improvements for legal acts;
- Organise discussions with government, education and science institutions;
- Form government opinion about improvement of sector business environment;
- Prepare business environment analysis;
- Represent members in work groups, conferences, assemblies, various
Committees and commissions (LPK, CEEMET, EFFRA, ORGALIME, ManuFuture, kt.).
Encourage R&D synergy between science institutions and business enterprises:
- Convey vision of „Manufacturing future“ to Lithuanian enterprises;
- Represent interests of enterprises when programming EU funds usage;
- Moderate the start of business activity between business, science and foreign partners;
- Moderate clusters and enterprises networking, organise events;
- Help to prepare for R&D&I international projects;
- Publish methodical means for improvement in innovation activity in enterprises;
- Look after R&D&I / business services providers’ database.
Encourage export development:
- Provide information about business opportunities and terms abroad;
- Organise exhibitions, missions;
- Mediate communicating with business attaché;
- Disseminate legal publications for international trade;
- Help find partners in Lithuania and abroad;
- Publish sector enterprises catalogue and administrate the database;
- Consult in export management;
- Educate employees.
We want to improve VET and competence quality in Lithuania:
- Popularise engineering professions;
- Represent member interests when preparing VET standards,
- programmes and educational material;
- Represent member interests when evaluating quality of studies;
- Participate in VET management;
- Participate in R&D structures management;
- Represent member interests when influencing management of educational institutions;
- Organise qualification courses for vocational education and training teachers;
- Carry out informal student education and realize student involving projects;
- Participate in renewal of VET school infrastructure;
- Prepare studies for specialists accordance evaluation to current market needs;
- Influence qualification acknowledgement system in Lithuania.