EIT Manufacturing 2021 DeCoTe

Duration: 01.01.2021-31.12.2021

Allocation to our (IMW) research focus areas:

Human-Robot Interaction


The potential of industrial application of lightweight robots is not fully exploited. The reasons are typically a lack of expertise and skepticism (mistrust) about the safety concepts. The DeCoTe consortium aims to increase the acceptance of collaborative robotics among potential users and the interested public. For this purpose, practical experience with industrial applications as well as basic safety concepts are to be provided.

Expected results

DeCoTe uses an innovative learning concept consisting of a proactive workshop and interactive learning units on the computer (tablet) to teach the basics of collaborative robotics in an industrial context. The 1-day program, which will be held in different countries of the EIT RIS region in autumn and winter 2021, will take place in regional fablabs, makerspaces and universities.

Project management

Christina Schmidbauer

Technische Universität Wien
Department Human Centered Cyber Physical Production and Assembly Systems

Production and Assembly Systems
Theresianumgasse 27 | 1040 Wien
T: +43 1 58801-33059
M: christina.schmidbauer@tuwien.ac.at