LINPRA and INTECHCENTRAS image updated


The ambassador of the Lithuanian engineering industry, LINPRA, is entering the new year with determination and modernity. The logo, which has been used for many years and represents the association, has changed. Starting from the New Year, the Association and the INTECHCENTRAS technology center, founded by LINPRA, introduces with new logos and a new image.

The previous LINPRA brand has already gained credibility and market recognition. As the LINPRA community grows, as its members improve in technology and beyond, it is high time to bring change to the association’s image. The new LINPRA logo was designed to reflect LINPRA’s core value – its members. The new design is dominated by elements of the movement that symbolize the strong links between organizations: larger and smaller, but equally significant and forming the basis for a successful association. In order to remain recognizable, the new LINPRA logo has the same colours that convey vigour, robustness and constant development.

“Rapid changes on the outside encourage us to improve ourselves. We are convinced that the renewed identity of the Association is a step forward – seeking to be recognized in the context of the global engineering industry as a modern and reliable partner. We are ready for change and for new projects in 2020,” says Darius Lasionis, director of LINPRA.

The identity of the organization has been carefully designed not only to bring modernity to the image, but also to preserve the basic principles and recognizability of the association.