RestartSMEs International seminar and workshop: Digitalization of the Supply Chain - Linpra

RestartSMEs International seminar and workshop: Digitalization of the Supply Chain

Materials of the seminar are available HERE: 

22 June, 09:00–10:30 CET, online
Register HERE to get an MS Teams access before the event

Manufacturing SMEs are invited to an international workshop to discuss technological challenges and solutions in the field of digitalization of the supply chain. An interactive online event will offer:

  • Key-note presentation by an expert guest speaker – dynamizer of new business projects and development of collaborative projects;
  • Roundtable group session of knowledge, experience and best practice exchange between participants, sharing know-how to transform business model and improve sustainability.

Key-note guest speaker:

Business Development Manager for Rail Industry and Logistics at Eurecat Technology Center and Vice President of the Railgrup Cluster, Laia Garriga Mas – is a dynamizer of new business projects and development of collaborative projects. She has developed her professional career always linking it to value-added technologies and business development in different industrial fields, health and insurance sectors. Having more than 10 years of experience in the railway, logistics and transport sector, she has promoted projects in collaboration with different companies such as Assets4Rail; European project with 19 partners or DIAMON; European project to develop tools to define means of transport with a gender perspective among others.

Topic: Technological challenges and digitalization of the supply chain

  • Steps of digitalization process in manufacturing companies
  • Different specifics and areas of digitalization
  • Risks, benefits, digitalization success cases
  • Integration of different parties in the supply chain

Relevant to:

The workshop is addressed to business owners and representatives, production and technology managers of manufacturing SMEs in automotive, machinery & equipment, food and textile.


The workshop is organized as part of the European project RestartSMEs by the project partner LINPRA (Engineering and Technology Industries Association of Lithuania), in collaboration with Eurecat. Aim of the workshop and overall project – build resilience of manufacturing SMEs by analysing their digitalization needs and offering specific tools to adopt modern technologies such as AI, robotics, cybersecurity & IoT.

Agenda (CET):

  • 09:00–09:10 Project introduction: Karolis Skebas, LINPRA Export Development Manager

ReStart SMEs: Facilitating collaborations for the adoption of Industry 5.0 new technologies for business owners

  • 09:10–09:40 Key-note presentation: Laia Garriga Mas, Business Development Manager for Rail Industry and Logistics at Eurecat Technology Centre

Technological challenges and digitalization of the supply chain

  • 09:40–10:15 Roundtable group session, moderated by: Orijana Mašalė, Entrepreneur, independent board member

Companies’ introduction, Q&A, distinguishing of main challenges, lessons learned or success stories in the field of digitalization of the supply chain

  • 10:15–10:30 Wrap up, END of workshop 

Before the event:

Get a free assessment and find out how your SME can move towards Industry 5.0. Project experts will get back to you with a wholesome analysis of your strengths and weaknesses, and help you come up with an action plan. Evaluate your Company’s Digital Maturity HERE.

ReStartSMEs has received funding from the European Innovation Council and SMEs Executive Agency (EISMEA), under grant agreement No. 101037910 

Contact for more information:

@LINPRA Karolis Skebas
Export Development Manager
+370 605 47384


Bir 22 2022


10:00 - 11:30

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